We only care about the "GameDir". As you can see, the mod portal2 get specified. If you now just copy the line and replace one of them with your mod's location, it will work, but you will always get an error message when you start hammer!This is how I got around this:
The new weapon is called the Warp Cannon, and it fires a bouncing green projectile that you can then instantly warp to wherever it hits. Combing this weapon with the Portal gun allows for some really interesting puzzle solutions, like shooting the Warp Cannon through a portal to get to a specific spot.
portal 2 editor mods
Portal 2 has quite a few mods that add on new stories and areas to explore based on Aperture Science. Eidolon is one of those, but its biggest differentiating factor simply boils down to its aesthetic and visual design.
Portal Reloaded is the newest entry on the list, as it just officially released in April 2021. This Portal 2 mod has players going through a special test course deep within a previously forgotten area of Aperture Science. The twist here is that players will have access to a Triple Portal Device, allowing the creation of three portals at once.
The third portal is a green one that actually affects time. It links past and present, allowing for some truly mind-bending puzzles. The mod contains 25 puzzles in total, new voice lines, new music, and more.
Aperture Tag is a Portal 2 mod inspired by Tag: The Power of Paint , the 2009 DigiPen student project which influenced Portal 2's gel mechanics and puzzles. Instead of shooting portals, you shoot the game's orange and blue liquids, which make you run faster and jump higher, respectively. And now you'll be able to add your own mods to the mix.
Taking the portals out of Portal admittedly doesn't sound like the best pitch, but if you've been keeping up with Mod of the Week , you know that it looks really fun. With the announcement that it's going to include a level editor and Steam Workshop integration, you'll also be able to make your own fun.
1) 3 missing files to load this program, which i had to google to launch it :libgcc_s_dw2-1.dllpdcurses.dlllibstdc++-6.dll2) I cant use fullscreen mode or at least to make window larger to use this program more comfortable. (default screensize is very small and its hard to see anything there)3) After i replaced all files and tried to launch portal 2 it crashes without any errors/windows at the start after intro video.
Valve Software - vbsp.exe (Aug 27 2012)2 threadsmaterialPath: D:GamesSteamsteamappscommonPortal 2portal2materialsLoading D:/Games/Steam/steamapps/common/Portal 2/sdk_contentmaps/preview.vmfConVarRef gpu_level doesn't point to an existing ConVarCould not open instance file instances/hmw/gadgets/sendtor_manager.vmf
Valve Software - vbsp.exe (Nov 5 2012)2 threadsmaterialPath: C:Program FilesSteamsteamappscommonportal 2portal2materialsLoading C:/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/portal 2/sdk_contentmaps/preview.vmfConVarRef gpu_level doesn't point to an existing ConVarmaterial "effects/physler" not found.Material not found!: EFFECTS/PHYSLERCould not open instance file instances/hmw/gadgets/sendtor_manager.vmfAlso, build errors when I try to run the puzzle.
Valve Software - vbsp.exe (Nov 5 2012)2 threadsmaterialPath: C:Program FilesSteamsteamappscommonportal 2portal2materialsLoading C:/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/portal 2/sdk_contentmaps/preview.vmfConVarRef gpu_level doesn't point to an existing ConVarmaterial "effects/physler" not found.Material not found!: EFFECTS/PHYSLERCould not open instance file instances/hmw/gadgets/sendtor_manager.vmfClick for thumbs down.0Click for thumbs up.0 FelixGriffin@felixgriffin2,435 PostsTopic Author#9 November 15, 2012, 9:59 pmQuote from FelixGriffin on November 15, 2012, 9:59 pmUnfortunately, it's impossible to make custom menus in the editor. Otherwise I'd do it for the choreo and the skybox. I'm not going to do this because it requires the DLC3 hack, but it is possible to edit the timer images to add a bit of text under the ones digit. If you find a way to get that working, I'll gladly add it to the mod.
A gel which, when used with portals, would allow the player to walk on the walls and ceiling of test chambers. While this may sound neat, it proved to be disorienting and cause motion sickness among playtesters. This led to it being cut from the game and eventually replaced by reflection gel in the PeTI update. The gel is purple, however it is not known whether this would be the final color. All of the Sticky Gel-related textures and particles remain in the final game. Because of this, several community map-makers have tried (with varying success) to implement it in their maps. A video of the leftovers (albeit after the effects were removed) can be found here. It was later shown by Valve with the effects working in a presentation here.
It was removed from singleplayer early on in favor of keeping the game simple by using only the Portal Gun to manipulate puzzles. It was later planned again as a multiplayer gamemode named 2guns where one player would have a paint gun, and the other a portal gun, and could swap them, before being removed again. It was then planned to be brought back in DLC2, which did not happen. The idea was revived in the standalone release of the Aperture Tag mod in 2014, which was approved by Valve themselves and is available through Steam. The paint gun seen there is not a C++ entity, though, but simply changes the Portal Gun model and uses standard Source entities to make it shoot paint.
The game has coded and modeled entities for small fragile spheres called "futbols". It comes in two versions: glass, and bomb. There are special spawner entities, with models, for both. The bomb version was reused for the redirectable bombs in the final game with a different model. Judging by the map "mp_futbol_01" these are very likely remains of the Competitive Multiplayer Portal 2, which was reworked into Co-op very early on as the matches quickly became hectic and confusing. The objective would have been to redirect a bomb of sorts into other players using portals.
Present in SteamApps\common\Portal 2\sdk_content\puzzles is devtest.p2c, a Perpetual Testing Initiative custom puzzle made by the developers to test the editor. You can play and edit it by copying the file into SteamApps\common\Portal 2\portal2\puzzles\your_steam_id. It appears as a nameless entry under Create Test Chambers. It has no image, and appears to have most items available in the editor placed in a room the same size as, and obviously based on, the blank template. Several of the items are missing connections. This was likely done because the level was only meant to test the editor rather than gameplay; these items appear to have had the same settings in the editor version this map was made in.
The folder portal2_dlc2/materials/puzzlemaker/palette contains all of the item and GUI icons, plus several extra items not used in-game. There exist icons for a crusher, a large Faith Plate, an auto-portal area titled "fixed_portal_door", and a transparent picture of a panel titled "panel_door".
In addition, if the player adds those maps to the Challenge Mode map list (Steam\SteamApps\common\Portal 2\portal2_dlc1\challenge_maplist.txt), the game makes use of those map names in the Challenge Mode menu (except the Credits map, which never appears). They are fully playable although they lack dedicated goal points. The "Level Completed" screen will come up when the player hits the level transition trigger. The Steam server correctly records the player's times and scores. The Community Data chart is also available on these maps, with the somewhat expected number of Fewest Portals records.
From what I recall from the first trailers, the Pneumatic Diversity Vents were supposed to suck through the portals. You could portal near a turret and it would get sucked through. I am not sure why they were cut in the end. I think the vacuum tubes just didn't have that much diversity in them as a testing element. In the final game there is a Vacuum Ride where the player and Wheatley get sucked through.
Valve's involvement was quite limited. They are a small studio and I am sure they have really cool confidential projects going on internally, so naturally they don't work on external projects much. From my testing for the Perpetual Testing Initiative, and my visit at Valve, I already knew a handful of employees. But most of my time was dealing with Steamworks and incorporating the game into Steam. Along with business questions about licenses, I did ask for a favor from one employee. There was a problem with the workshop. When you tried to play a workshop map the screen would just turn black with no error code whatsoever telling you what is going on. I had to ask for some time, but in the end one employee helped out by modifying some dlls files, correcting this bug. Now the workshop will work on all future Portal 2 mods.
This I actually haven't discussed with Valve, so you may need to ask them yourselves later on. I created the story line to be after the co-op bots find the test subjects at the end of their campaign. You play as one of those test subjects, and Nigel was made by GLaDOS to oversee the new test experiment. I added just enough hints of when it took place, but also tried to steer away from touching Chell's storyline, as I don't think that is up to me or anyone other than Valve to talk about. The Perpetual Testing Initaive stuff is easy. You are in one of the universes where instead of a portal gun you have a paint gun, but everything else is the same (Even Cave's lines.) 2ff7e9595c